This Friday, 3 September, our first Prompt! will arrive in the mailboxes of our first subscribers. It’s all very exciting. Last weekend, we sent out the newsletter announcing that the website was live and all (well almost all) of the systems were go (you know what systems are like!). And subscribers started pouring in which was heartening. The responses really confirm what we hoped and believed, that it’s a great idea and will make a lot of people happy. I’ve put the link to the website in the first comment in case you’d like to find out more about it. At the top of the homepage, you’ll see Prompt! Writing which will take you to the English site.

Here’s a fragment of my piece from the first Prompt! Maybe you recognise the painting that prompted it?

“I don’t know why he insisted on holding that stupid pitchfork for the painting. It’s not like he even knows how to use one!”

“She’s staring at me, isn’t she! Is she staring? She does that, you know. Sometimes, when I’m listening to the radio, I’ll look up and there she’ll be, just standing in the door opening, staring at me.”

“And when did he get so bald? Why didn’t he put his hat on and hide that bald head? Oh no, he wants to be preserved for posterity looking like a billiard ball holding a pitchfork!”

Have a creative week!