As promised, a bit more information about the new venture – Prompt Writing!
This is a question for all language professionals among my contacts. We all got into this business at some point because we love language and writing. But through time, we sometimes lose sight of that pleasure. So writing coach Carola Janssen and I came up with the idea of completing a small writing assignment every week, just for fun. It shouldn’t take up too much time, but it should inspire and challenge us to write something other than informative, mobilising or journalistic texts. Writing – just for yourself, not for any client or reader and not, heaven forbid, for Google.
So we’re going to set up exactly that, a service specifically aimed at language professionals in the broadest sense. With writing prompts and accompanying inspiration and a closed platform where you can read and be read, if you like. We’d really like to know whether you think this is a good idea. So at the risk of being the umpteenth person who asks you to fill in a survey (but it’s just a really short one, honestly!) – we’d really appreciate your input. Everyone’s input. The only precondition is that you love language and writing.
The link to the survey is in the comments. Thank you!