My Swedish friend (the one reading Shuggie McBain, remember?) mentioned that they have different words in Swedish for the coffee you drink at different times of the day: elvakaffe, trekaffe and kwällsvakke (drunk respectively at eleven, three and in the evening).
Which reminded me that in Scotland, morning coffee used to be called ‘elevenses’. There would probably be a little something to eat as well, a biscuit or a scone. I don’t suppose it’s used as much anymore although some of you might know it as a hobbit’s third meal of the day, coming two hours after second breakfast. In Dutch, you have a ‘twaalfuurtje’ on menus. It’s kind of a second breakfast – at least it would be if the Dutch ate a cooked breakfast with fried eggs, but they don’t. So it’s more of a mini, early lunch.
Elevenses is very British; they don’t have them in the US as the writer in the article (link in the comments) explains.
The flu jab made me feel slightly ill. When I said I was a bit under the weather, friends thought it was hilarious. It’s a seafaring term from the days of sailing ships: when a sailor was feeling ill, they were sent below deck to protect them from the weather – under the weather!